Choose from a variety of ways to be more involved in your experience of the Eucharist. Join us in any of these ministries:
Altar Server
Eucharistic Minister
Music Ministry
Organizational Ministries
Join one of our many organizational outreach ministries to further our community in the South Hills and spread the Gospel to others:
Caring Companions
Journey of Grief Ministry
Homebound Ministry
Ladies of Charity
Lunches for the Hungry
Respect Life
Substance Addiction Ministry
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Fellowship Organizations
Find faith and fellowship in these parish organizations:
Book Club
Catholic Men's Fellowship
Fish Fry
Knights of Columbus
Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians
Women's Guild
Young Adult Ministry
Youth Ministry
Non-affiliated Organizations
Saint Anne Church hosts several non-affiliated groups on campus for parishioners and the local community.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Discalced Secular Carmelites
Narcotics Anonymous
Tae Kwon Do
Overeaters Anonymous
Liturgical Ministries
Service through the Mass
Altar Server
Assisting at Mass is an important way of ensuring that children will continue to practice the faith as adults. Any child who has received their First Holy Communion is able to receive training and assist the Priest at Mass. Schedules are based on your child's availability. There are various opportunities throughout the year for social gatherings for Altar Servers and their families. Please contact Mary Weaver to schedule a time for training and discuss your availability at (724) 814-2077.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
To serve as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, the candidate must be a fully initiated member of the Catholic Church and have all of the Pittsburgh Dioceasan clearances. In addition, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion may serve on one of the homebound teams to provide the Eucharist to the homebound parishioners. For training please contact Mary Weaver at (724) 814-2077
Lectors have the responsibility of proclaiming the scripture readings at Mass and making sure the words are pronounced clearly and with appropriate meaning. The candidate must be a fully initiated member of the Catholic Church and have all of the Pittsburgh Diocesan clearances. Please contact Mary Weaver at (724) 814-2077.
Ushers are instrumental in creating an atmosphere of hospitality with those attending Mass..Ushers assist with seating and making sure that handicap guests receive communion. Ushers also assist with the collection. Candidates must have all of the Pittsburgh Diocesan clearances. For more information and training please contact Mary Weaver (724) 814-2077
Organizational Ministries
Service throughout the Community
Caring Companions
Through this ministry, we reach out to homebound or elderly members of the parish who would benefit from someone calling or visiting with them from time to time. We are hopeful that Caring Companions will foster new friendships by demonstrating compassion to those who could use a friend to listen to them.Volunteers with Caring Companions might be asked to make phone calls, send cards or letters from time to time, or even make visits to deliver special treats occasionally. Whether you are retired and would like to get more involved in ministry work of the parish, or you are a young person, willing to share your youthful joy with others, Caring Companions has the potential to be a very rewarding experience for both the volunteer and recipient. If you are interested in participating in this new ministry, please contact Anthony DiNardo at
Journey of Grief Ministry
Saint Paul of the Cross Journey of Grief Ministry offers support in a group environment to those who have experienced the loss of a loved one. Our Christ centered ministry meets in the Spring and the Fall for 7 consecutive weeks to explore the impact of grief on our minds, bodies and souls as well as our relationships with others. Knowing that grief is different for every person experiencing it, support is very individual and personal. Please contact Kathy Raimondi for more information or to register at (412) 344-9690.
Food Pantry
The Saint Winifred Food Pantry is funded and operated by a coalition of eight churches: Saint Anne, Saint Bernard, Saint Germaine, Saint John Capistran, Saint Louise de Marillac, Saint Norbert, Saint Thomas More, and Saint Winifred. It survives primarily through donations and food drives by members of these churches and the generosity of numerous faith groups and organizations throughout our local community. The Food Pantry is open on Wednesday and Saturday from 10:00 - 11:00 am and food delivery is available to shut-ins on Saturdays. Please visit their website or call them at (412) 343-1915.
Homebound Ministry
The Saint Paul of the Cross Homebound Ministry aims to serve parishioners who are unable to attend Mass due to illness or injury. Some of Saint Anne's Eucharistic Ministers administer Holy Communion to the parishioners who are homebound each week. Additionally, homebound parishioners are visited by our social minister volunteers to maintain connectivity to the Church, Catholic Faith, and support. If you would like to get invovled or you know of a parishioner who would benefit from homebound services, please contact our office at (412) 531-5964.
Ladies of Charity
Established in 1986, The Ladies of Charity provide a presence to those who may be isolated due to illness, old age, or infirmity. The members provide hospitality for the Anointing Mass and assist with hospitality needs throughout the year. Formal meetings are held three times per year. If you would like to become involved, please contact the parish office at (412) 531-5964.
Lunches for the Hungry
Lunches for the Hungry meets on the third Tuesday of each month to prepare brown bag lunches for the hungry poor of downtown Pittsburgh. Established in 1930, the Red Door of Saint Mary of Mercy Church in the heart of Pittsburgh, serves those who are poor and hungry with coats, clothes, and bagged lunches. Because this ministry relies solely on the generousity of our parish members and friends for support, we welcome cash donations, as well as assistance with bagging the lunches. All are welcome! Contact Mary Ann Raymer at (412)719-7847 with questions.
Respect Life
The Respect Life Committee believes that all life is inherently sacred as created by God for purposes known only to Him. We stand for a culture of respect for life in all its stages, seeking to be a spiritual presence by keeping the most vulnerable in our prayers, to be a practical presence by providing resources to those in need, and to be an educational presence by raising awareness of God's truth regarding the gift of life. If you would like to become more involved or join, please contact Kathy Raimondi at (412) 344-9690.
Substance Addiction Ministry
The Substance Addiction Ministry (SAM) at Saint Paul of the Cross Parish seeks to provide a Catholic response to the spiritual disease of addiction by serving as a bridge to God’s grace and healing. Recognizing that anyone suffering the effects of addiction, including family members and friends, deserves the prayers, love and support of our parish community, SAM seeks to provide healing, acceptance, and understanding.
There are three aspects to the ministry: “Prayer, Presentations, and Personal Presence”. Prayer: please join us on the third Tuesday of each month when a Rosary for Recovery is prayed in the church beginning at 5:45pm. Presentations: on a quarterly basis SAM sponsors talks by experts in the field of addiction and recovery. Personal Presence: SAM will provide support, accompaniment and understanding so those who are affected will realize they are not alone.
For more information, please contact Joan Kilgore at or (412)531-5964.
Saint Vincent de Paul Society
Founded in 1833, the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul serves local individuals in need on a person-to-person level. Members meet every other Tuesday, and are devoted to a deeper embrace of the Gospel message through prayer and community outreach. Serving the local community, members provide one-on-one visitation and consultation, as well a financial support for those in distress. If you are interested in becoming more involved in this ministry, please contact the parish office at (412) 531-5964.
Fellowship Organizations
United in Christ
Book Club
The Saint Paul of the Cross Book Club meets on the first Wednesday of every other month from September through May to discuss assigned books related to the Church and our Catholic faith. Click here to view the reading list for this year. Contact Lynne Aber if you have any questions or would like to join (412) 833-3578.
Catholic Men's Fellowship
Established in 2005 as a means for the men of our parish to encounter Christ in our midst, Catholic Men's Fellowship works to support members to become better husbands, leaders, and Catholics. Meetings are held on the first and third Thursday of each month and one Wednesday each month at 7 p.m. Men in this group re-experience the spiritual awakening that originates from Baptism, seek opportunities for faith formation, and teach men to proactively support their faith within their families, parishes, and communities. Our fellowship continues through service projects we complete together for our parish and our community. Please contact John Raimondi to get involved or inquire at (412) 344-9690.
Fish Fry
Our annual Lenten Fish Fry begins on Ash Wednesday and continues every Friday during Lent, except Good Friday. Parish volunteers work to raise money for our Parish through this fundraiser. Volunteers of all ages and skills are welcome! Please contact Rudy Richtar at
Knights of Columbus
From the moment of their founding in 1882, charity has been the first principle of the Knights of Columbus, as well as unity, fraternity, and patriotism. They are men of faith and men of action. The Knights perform charitable activities involving local projects (pro-life, pro-family, faith formation, brotherhood, service, etc.), along with financially supporting initiatives at the local, national, and international level, all within a Catholic framework. Please consult the Council's website for information on how to get involved and join the Council. All practicing Catholic men 18+ are welcome to join the ranks of Knights! Please contact the Grand Knight if you have any questions. We are here to help our parishes and the general community of the South Hills. The South Hills Council of the Knights of Columbus meets at Saint Anne Church in Harkins Hall (below the church). Meetings are the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm, unless noted otherwise. The South Hills Council includes the parishes of: Resurrection (St. Thomas More and St. John Capistran Churches), St. Catherine Laboure (St. Louise de Marillac and St. Joan of Arc Churches), St. Paul of the Cross (St. Anne and St. Winifred Churches), and Our Lady of Hope Parish (St. Valentine, Nativity, and St. Germaine Churches). Please contact Joe Milharcic (412) 477-0085 for more information.
Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians
LAOH is an organization of Catholic Irish women, active in Pennsylvania for over 100 years. Aside from their commitment to the preservation of Irish heritage, the women of LAOH are active as a non-profit fundraising group, providing funds that support a wide variety of charitable causes. They offer assistance to men and women religious, seminarians, local food banks, and shelters for abused women.
Women's Guild
The members of the Women's Guild of Saint Paul of the Cross Parish are enthusiastic women who rally to participate in religious, educational, cultural and fundraising activities throughout the year. The Guild meets three times per year. For more information about joining, contact Darlene Vietmeier at (412) 343-6929
Young Adult Ministry
The Saint Paul of the Cross Young Adult Group is an inclusive community comprised of adults from all vocations and backgrounds who seek to love, know, and serve Christ. We provide opportunities for fellowship, receiving the sacraments, uniting in prayer, serving those in need, praising and worshiping our Lord, deepening our relationship with Christ, and enhancing our understanding of the Catholic Church. We aim to provide support to one another as we strive to live out our faith in our daily lives. Unless otherwise noted, events are family-friendly and any parents are encouraged to bring their children with them. Please contact Andrew Barnhart, Sacristan and Parish Youth Minister (412) 452-6052 to join this group.
Discalced Secular Carmelites
Saint Anne Church hosts this group on campus once each month for parishioners and the local community. Please visit to learn more or contact Kathie Buczynski at (724) 772-3410 to inquire and join.