Adult Education

You're never too old to engage in the educational aspects of the Catholic Faith. Check out our parish's offerings of classes, online seminars, and workshops to inspire your faith journey! 

About Adult Education

At Saint Paul of the Cross Parish, we believe that there is always more to learn about our faith. Throughout the year, we offer opportunities for adult education courses and fellowship opportunities. Feel free to check out the Ministries and Organizations page to supplement your learning with charitable works and social fellowship throughout our parish. 

Some events below ask for you to "register".  Registration is very helpful in preparing materials and the meeting spaces. If you have trouble with the links below, contact Don Fontana at, or call the parish office, so plans can be made for you to attend.

Baptism Classes

Completion of a Pre-Baptism class is required with your first child before scheduling.  Baptism classes will be held on  March 18th, or May 6th in the DePalma Room* from 5:30 -7:00 PM. If you have questions, or would like to register, contact Don Fontana at
*The sidewalk to the DePalma Room is nestled between the 5 garage bays on the St. Anne campus.  You will see a sign for the room as you walk closer to the white garage doors.

Parish Presentations

The Tuesday Series for 2025

Hope in the Lord - all Tuesday mornings, 8:45 - 10AM @ Convent Dining Room   

January 14th - The Hope that Never Fades, Hope & Grace
February 4th - Hope & Sorrow, Hope When There Is No Hope
March 4th - Hope & Prayer, Hope & Death
May 6th - Hope In Eternal Life

Hope in the Lord is an EWTN series hosted by Fr. Benedict Groeschel. Questions answered and topics discussed in this video presentation are those we turn over in our minds at least a dozen times a day. What is Hope? Why hope, in the face of disappointment and sorrow? Can we honestly replace pain of dashed hopes, with the Hope that never fades? Priceless reflections gleaned from decades of service in the field of ministry to encourage us.


The Sunday Series for 2025

From Nothing to Cosmos -  all Sunday evenings from 7:00-8:00 PM in the DePalma Room

January 12th - The Borde-Vilenkin-Guth Proof for a Beginning of Expanding Universes
February 9th - The Evidence of a Beginning from Entropy Universe
March 2nd - The Fine Tuning of Universal Conditions & Constants
May 4th - The Multiverse vs. Supernatural Design

From Nothing to Cosmos is a FORMED presentation in which Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J., PhD., dispenses with the contemporary statement, "Science has proven God does not exist," and then goes on to demonstrate God's existence from science, philosophy, medicine, the transcendentals, and metaphysical proofs. Fr. Spitzer is at once, entertaining and overflowing with pertinent information.


Theology on Tap

Thursday, February 20th - 7:00 PM 
Caliente's (Upper Room)
Young adults (ages 21+) are invited to Theology on Tap, Thursday, Feb. 20th from 7:00-9:00 PM at Caliente's (Upper Room). Pizza, wings, salad, and first beer/wine are compliments of our parish.  Chris Chapman joined the 
faculty at Seton LaSalle High School in 2019 as a religion teacher and member of the Campus Ministry team after 12 years of working for the Diocese of Pittsburgh.  Originally from Dormont, he attended Keystone Oaks High School, earned a BA in Liberal Studies from the University of Pittsburgh and a Masters Degree in Theology and Christian Ministry at the Franciscan University in Steubenville. Upon completing his studies, Chris taught high school theology in  Pottsville, PA, and Greenville, SC and has worked for the Diocese of Pittsburgh in several positions including: Director of Adult Faith Formation, Consultant for Elementary School Catechesis, Pre-K—12 Catechetical Director, Director of Catholic Identity, and most recently as Director of Religious Education. Chris resides in Crafton with his wife and sons and like all faithful Pittsburghers, follow the Steelers, Penguins, and Pirates. Chris loves the Church's vision for Marriage and Family, questions of culture, and all things pertaining to the integration of faith and reason. He tries to live St. Paul's admonition, later adopted by St. Philip Neri to, "Rejoice Always!". He will discuss: "Children: Are they worth having?" Registration is preferred. Contact Don Fontana at for more information. Click HERE to register.

Get FORMED in the Faith

FORMED is an online platform geared toward adults and families for the purpose of learning and engaging in Catholic content. You can find books, movies, documentaries, studies, and audio talks to support your interests and needs. Saint Paul of the Cross Parish often uses this platform for adult education classes, sacramental preparation, and as a supplement to Bible studies, and we want to offer our parishioners the opportunity to join in our membership. 
Click here for directions on how to join for FREE!