Staff at Saint Paul of the Cross Parish

Father Richard Infante

Father Richard Infante

Parochial Vicar

Ordained to the priesthood in 1992, Fr. Richard Infante has been a priest in the Diocese of Pittsburgh for 27 years. Before coming to Saint Anne and Saint Winifred, Fr. Richard was the pastor of Our Lady of Grace Parish in Scott Township for over 14 years and, before that, pastor of Nativity Parish in South Park for four years. He held other parochial assignments earlier in his priesthood at St. Bernadette in Monroeville, the former Immaculate Conception and St. Joseph parishes in Bloomfield, and St. Robert Bellarmine in East McKeesport. A later vocation, Fr. Richard also worked in the local government, in a law firm, and as a teaching assistant at a university before he became a priest. Fr. Richard published a collection of short stories a few years ago entitled LAST PRIEST STANDING with Lambing Press. Fr. Richard Infante holds a B.A. in English Literature and an M.F.A. in Writing from the University of Pittsburgh, a Masters of Liberal Studies from Duquesne University, and an M.A. in Sacred Scripture and an M.Div. from St. Vincent Seminary. He is a lifelong resident of the Pittsburgh area. 

Join Our Parish

Saint Paul of the Cross Parish is an inviting and welcoming Catholic faith community where together we seek to proclaim and live the Gospel by loving and serving as Jesus teaches us to do. We are committed to growing our faith through the Sacraments, drawing us closer to Christ. 
