October 6, Respect Life Sunday, is the day the Catholic Church begins a month-long focus on the issue of the sanctity of every human life created in God’s image and likeness. At Saint Paul of the Cross Parish, we are blessed to have a strong and active Respect Life Team that has worked tirelessly over the years to advocate for life and raise the profile of this vital issue for our parishioners. Led by John and Kathy Raimondi, the Respect Life Ministry meets monthly to coordinate events for our people to learn about, advocate, and demonstrate for all human life. Here are some important dates to consider to support them this year.
Oct. 22- Andrew McCauley
Following the Tuesday 6:30 PM Mass, the Respect Life Committee is pleased to welcome Andrew McCauley. Andrew is a young Catholic, and leader of Pittsburgh Sidewalk Advocates. He will talk about how the Advocates train volunteers to know what to say to gently approach women and inform them of other alternatives to abortion. He will also expose the abortion business in Pittsburgh and how we can all help through prayer and presence to combat it. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Oct. 30- Respect Life Monthly Meeting
The respect life ministry is always looking for additional members to join them at their monthly meetings. If you believe that all life is inherently sacred as created by God, please consider joining this group. We seek to be a spiritual presence by keeping te most vulnerable in our prayers, a practical presence by providing resources to those in need, and an educational presence by speaking God's truth regarding the gift of life. They meet the last Wednesday of each month.
Nov. 3- 40 Days for Life Closing Event